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※ 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭으로 전체화면 플레이를 할 수 있습니다.
(모바일에선 한 손가락 꾹 터치)
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게임 설명 원문
The sequel to Gun Mayhem is finally here! This time with even more chaos. Defeat your powerful enemies by shooting them or blasting them off the platform with dynamite. This game has a single-player campaign mode, custom games, and a series of challenges. Once you have selected the game mode, you can customize the appearance, color, and loadout of your character – you can change their shirt, hat, and face, plus their perks and weapon.
The aim of each round is simple – you must knock your enemies off of the stage and prevent them from jumping back on. You can push your enemies by shooting them. You can avoid being thrown off the stage yourself by using a series of jumps and double jumps. The gameplay is fast-paced and fun and you must have quick reactions to win! There is a range of different weapons to choose from such as a pistol, machine gun, and SMG, plus you can even use TNT and grenades! Can you become the Gun Mayhem 2 champion?
Variety of different weapons and accessories
Customizable characters
Singe player and split-screen multiplayer modes
Release Date
August 2012
SWF 파일 다운로드
게임 화면
점프, 더블 점프를 사용해서 떨어지는 것을 막을 수 있고 다른 플레이어들을 공격하여 쓰러뜨리거나 떨어뜨리는 게임입니다.
꼭 같이 할 상대가 없어도 AI 플레이어를 지정해서 혼자서도 플레이 가능하니 참고하세요.(슬롯의 이름 클릭)
이 게임도 해보세요
2022.12.08 - [플래시게임/슈팅] - 건 메이헴(GUN MAYHEM)
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2023.01.31 - [플래시게임/슈팅] - 건메이헴 리덕스(GUN MAYHEM REDUX)
HTML 삽입 미리보기할 수 없는 소스 ※ 마우스 오른쪽 버튼 클릭으로 전체화면 플레이를 할 수 있습니다. (모바일에선 한 손가락 꾹 터치, 안드로이드만 전체화면 가능) 조작법 플레이어1 방향키 -
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